Help > Building a 3D Model > Improving your 3D Model > Improve Accuracy
Improve Accuracy

If the 3D model you have created in PhotoModeler has low accuracy or poor shape, you can improve it by doing one or some combination of the following:

        Run through an Audit and improve the audit statistics (See Auditing),

        Reduce the number of points marked on only two photographs,

        Review important points that have been marked and determine if they can be moved to better reflect the actual point location on the real world object (See Moving Marked Points),

        Add more points to the project with the aim of improving photograph overlap and photograph coverage (See Auditing, When processing fails or 3D results look bad, Marking Points and refer to the section of the Quick Start Guide called Guide For Taking Photos),

        Add more photographs to the project with the aim of improving photograph overlap (See Audit and refer to the section of the Quick Start Guide called Guide For Taking Photos),

        Retake some photographs using man-made targets and re-mark those photographs (see the Achieving the highest accuracy sub-section).

After you have taken some action to improve the accuracy, reprocess the project and review the result using Measure (see Measuring Features) or your CAD program.