Help > Building a 3D Model > Selection and Visibility > Visibility and Selection Control > Visibility Settings > Points Photo Visibility > Point ID Visibility Photo Visibility
Point ID Visibility Photo Visibility

When Points are visible as 2D Marks or 3D projections on a photograph, the Point ID’s Visibility option becomes available. Control Points have a similar setting in Projections.

Note: 3D items are displayed on oriented photographs only. See the section on Photo Projections for more information.

Point IDs (short for Point Identifier Text) provides feedback on which point you are seeing. The ID text appears right beside the point in question.  This text can take on different forms:


Point Type

ID Format

Normal Point


- unique ID number of 3D Point

Tagged Point

T idn

- ‘T’  denotes it is tagged

User Named Point

idn:user name

- ‘user name’ is text entered in 3D Point properties for that point

Marked Control Point

idn: (cpm:name)

- ‘name’ is the name of the imported control point that is marked here

- ‘cpm’ stands for Control Point Mark

Projected Control Point


- ‘name’ is the name of the imported control point that is projected here

- ‘icp’ stands for Input Control Point

A Marked Point or projected 3D Point can have combinations of the top four. So for example,  point #34 that is a mark of the control point called “CP12”, with a user name of “my first”, and is tagged would have the displayed ID text, on the photo beside the point, of “T 34:my first (cpm:CP12)”.

You can adjust the size of the Point ID in the Settings section of the pane.

The display of user name and control point name (for normal points) can be turned off using a setting in Preferences. See Image section in Preferences - User Interface.

Note: You can renumber the points in your project using the Renumber Dialog.