Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Ribbon Toolbar > Ribbon Tabs > Tabs in Workspaces > Multiphoto Workspace
Multiphoto Workspace

This workspace has a Multiphoto workspace/project type specific ‘Create’ tab:


Process Group:

        Process – Attempt to build a three-dimensional model. See Processing Points-Based.

Materials Group:

        Materials – add, remove, edit materials in the project. See also Materials Dialog.

        Current Material – The Current Material works the same way as the Current Layer tool, except it works on Materials. The tool provides ways to set the current project Material, to see an object’s Material and to change an object’s Material.  To set the current project Material (the Material to which any newly created items will be assigned), make sure nothing is selected, click the down arrow on the tool and select a Material. Any new items created will be assigned that selected Material. When you select an object or several objects on a photograph, in a 3D Viewer, or on a table, the object’s Material will be shown in the Current Material tool. If you select multiple objects and not all of the selected objects share the same Material, the Current Material tool will not show a Material- it will be blank. When you select an object or several objects on a photograph, in a 3D Viewer or on a table, and if you change the Material in the Current Material tool, the newly selected Material will be assigned to all of the selected object(s).

Layers Group:

        Layers – add, remove, rename layers in the project.  See also Layer Dialog.

        Current Layer – The Current Layer tool provides ways to set the current project Layer, to view a selected object’s Layer and to change a selected object’s Layer. To set the current project Layer (the layer to which any newly created items will be assigned), make sure nothing is selected, click the down arrow on the tool and select a Layer. Any new items created will be assigned the selected Layer. When you select an object or several objects on a photograph, in a 3D Viewer, or on a table, the object’s Layer will be shown in the Current Layer tool. If you select multiple objects and not all the selected objects share the same Layer, the Current Layer tool will not show a Layer – it will be blank. When you select an object or several objects on a photograph, in a 3D Viewer or on a table, and if you change the Layer in the Current Layer tool, the newly selected Layer will be assigned to all the selected object(s).

Referencing Group:

        Referencing – Pick up the referencing tool. With this tool you indicate common Marked Points, Edges, Curves or Cylinders imaged on more than one photograph. PhotoModeler needs to know which points are common to more than one photograph in order to build a 3D model. See also Referencing Tools.

        Quick Reference – References all currently selected items together (if objects are of the same type and there are no conflicts). This is an “action” compared to the Referencing “mode”.

        Interactive Referencing - launches Interactive Referencing to help weld or reference points that are not currently referenced.

        The Reference group Expand Menu contains less often used tools:

        Unreference Selected - Breaks the association between the selected Points, Edges, Cylinders, Curves or Silhouettes on the Active Photograph, 3D Viewer or Table and any objects they have been referenced to on other photographs. When the selected object is a “mark” (that is selected on a photo) then only that mark is unreferenced.  When the selected object is a “3D object” (that is selected in a Table or 3D Viewer) then all associated marks are unreferenced. See also Referencing Tools. This tool is only available when one or more Marked Points, Edges, Curves,  Cylinders or Silhouettes are selected on the active photograph, table or 3D Viewer.

        Show/Hide Reference Helper Lines - While Referencing, Reference Helper Lines can help locate the destination reference point.  Use this tool to toggle the visibility of the Helper lines - useful when several are showing and obscuring the point on the photo to be referenced.  See Reference helper lines.

        Automatic Referencing - Open the Automatic Referencing Dialog.

Marking Group:

        Points – Pick up the point marking tool. With this tool you can mark points on an open photograph. See also Marking Points.

        Lines – Pick up the line marking tool. With this tool you can mark or create lines on an open photograph. See also Creating Lines.

        Dimension mode – Enter Dimension mode. With this tool you can draw dimensions between two points or annotations on a photo. See Adding Dimensions and Annotations.

        Mark Curves – a drop-down menu providing various curve marking tools See Curves for more information. Shows a sub-menu from which you can choose the following modes:

        Mark Curves Mode: Pick up the NURBS Curve drawing tool. With this tool you can draw curves on open photographs. This tool is only available when a photograph is active.

        Curve Through Points Mode: Select a sequential set of points one by one and a curve will be fit during selection. This tool is only available when a photograph is active.

        Fir NURBS Curve to Points: Select a group of points through which a curve will be fit all at once. This tool is only available when a photograph is active and points are selected.

        The Marking group Expand Menu contains less often used tools:

Target marking tools:

        Sub-pixel Target mode tool: Modifies the Point Marking and Control Point Marking modes so that circular targets are marked by dragging out a region. See Sub-pixel Target Marking for more detail. This tool is only available when a photograph is active.

        Re-sub-pixel Target mode tool: Allows you to re-mark a sub pixel marked point using the sub-pixel marker tool. This is useful if you find that you marked a point inaccurately on a previous attempt. This tool is only available when a photograph is active.

        Sphere Target Marking mode tool: Allows you to mark sphere targets. See Sphere Target Marking. This tool is only available when a photograph is active

        Automatic Target Marking: Opens the Automatic Target Marking Dialog to automatically mark a series of targets on one or more photos.

        Cylinder Marking: Pick up the Cylinder marking tool. With this tool you can mark the edges of a cylinder.

        Edge Marking - Pick up the edge marking tool. With this tool you can mark edges on an open photograph.

Surface Group:

        Planes – a drop-down menu with various plane definition tools. See Creating Planes.

        Mark Surfaces – a drop down menu providing various surface marking tools. See Surface Defining/Modifying.

        Path Mode - Pick up the Path Surface creation tool. With this tool you can create Path Surfaces from existing Points, Lines, Edges and Curves by selecting them on an open photograph, 3D Viewer or table. See Creating Surfaces.

        Triangle Mode - Pick up the Triangle Surface creation tool. With this tool you can create Triangle Surfaces from existing Points, Lines and Edges by selecting them on an open photograph, 3D Viewer or table. See Creating Surfaces.

        Loft Mode - Pick up the Loft Surface creation tool. With this tool you can create Loft Surfaces from existing Lines, Edges and Curves by selecting them on an open photograph, 3D Viewer or table. See Creating Surfaces.

        Sweep Mode - Pick up the Sweep Surface creation tool. With this tool you can create Sweep Surfaces from existing Lines, Edges and Curves by selecting them on an open photograph, 3D Viewer or table. See Creating Surfaces.

        Revolution Mode  - Pick up the Revolution Surface creation tool. With this tool you can create Surfaces of Revolution from existing Lines, Edges and Curves by selecting them on an open photograph, 3D Viewer or table. See Creating Surfaces.

        Boundary Patch Mode - Pick up the Boundary Patch Surface creation tool. With this tool you can create Surfaces from a boundary of existing Lines, Edges and Curves by selecting them on an open photograph, 3D Viewer or table. This produces a Coon patch from three or four curves and so is different from the Path Model. See Creating Surfaces.

        Cone Mode -  Pick up the Cone Surface creation tool. With this tool you can create Conical Surfaces from existing Points and Curves by selecting them on an open photograph, 3D Viewer or table. See Creating Surfaces.

        Other Surface Tools – a drop down menu showing tools that act on surfaces. See Surface Defining/Modifying.

        Flip Surface - Available when a surface is selected, this tool will flip or reverse the current surface. If your surface was created ‘upside-down’ and appears to be facing the wrong direction, use this tool to flip it. See Creating Surfaces.

        Reverse Last Object - Available when creating a surface, reverses the direction a surface interprets the last object added to its defining object set. See Creating Surfaces.

        Finish Surface - Available when creating a surface, finish the current surface and resets the surface creation mode allowing you to being creating another surface. See Creating Surfaces.

        Close Surface - Available when creating a surface that can be closed, finish the current surface, close it, and resets the surface creation mode allowing you to being creating another surface. See Creating Surfaces.

        Select Defining Objects - Available when a surface is selected. Unselects the surface and selects the objects that define the surface.

        Automatic Surfacing/Triangulation... - Opens the Automatic Triangulation Dialog. This selection is available when a Project is open.

        The Surface group Expand Menu contains less often used tools:

        Trim Surface - Available when a NURBS Surface is selected. Allows you to define a trim loop that is applied to the selected surface. See Creating Surfaces.

        Create Hole in Surface - Available when a NURBS Surface is selected. Allows you to define a whole loop that is applied to the selected surface. See Creating Surfaces.

        Mark Silhouettes Mode - Pick up the Silhouette Marking tool. With this tool you can mark the outlines (silhouettes) of objects, creating Silhouette Marks. These Silhouette Marks can be referenced to create a Silhouette Surface. See Creating Surfaces.

        Fit NURBS Surface to Selected Points - Creates a Point Cloud Surface from the selected Point set. See Creating Surfaces.

Surface Draw Group:

        Surface Points – Line – With this tool you can draw points and lines on one or more 3D projected Surfaces on a photograph..  See Surface Drawing.

        Surface Points – Curve – With this tool you can draw points and curves on one or more 3D projected Surfaces on a photograph. See Surface Drawing.

External Geometry Group:

        Scale/Rotate Wizard – launch the Scale and Rotate Wizard

Imports and Coordinates – open the Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane

The External Geometry group Expand Menu contains less often used tools:

        Open Constraints Dialog... :Displays the Constraints Dialog so all defined constraints in the project can be viewed.

        Constraint Definition mode tool: Enters Constraint Definition mode. See Using Constraints.

Photo Group:

        Photo Sets:

        Create a Photo Set from Photos Showing Selected: Create a photo set based on the items selected and the photos on which those items are displayed

        Create a Photo Set from Photos NOT Showing Selected: Create a photo set based on the items selected and the photos on which those items are NOT displayed.

        Draw Masks… See Draw Mask Mode

        The Photo group Expand Menu contains less often used tools:

        Create Photo Masks... tool brings up the Create Masks Dialog where you can generate masks texturing and DSM Trims (i.e., select areas on images to be excluded from texture and DSM processing).