Help > User Interface > Elements of the PhotoModeler Screen > Ribbon Toolbar > Ribbon Tabs > View Tab
View Tab

The View Tab contains tools related to project viewing, such as the pane tools (e.g. Visibility, Measurements etc.), tables, 3D Viewer etc. Less common tools are on a submenu shown when clicking the expand button at the bottom right of a tool group.  The View Tab is common across all Workspaces.

Selection Group:

        Select Items mode – With this tool you can move marked items or select them for other operations. Either click on items to select in photos, tables or 3D Viewers, or in photographs you can drag a rectangular region. See Selection Overview.

        Select Region mode – Temporarily put the program into the polygon region select mode. With this mode you can define a closed region and all objects inside that region will be selected.  Click down anywhere on a photograph or in a 3D Viewer, and then move the mouse to the next vertex of the polygonal area and click again. Repeat this to surround the objects to be selected. Click within ten pixels of the starting point and the region will close and the objects will be selected. Hitting the ESC key during the region definition will cancel it. Once the region has been defined, the previous mode reactivates.  This tool is available when a Photograph (see Region selection), table or 3D Viewer Window (see Selection in the 3D Viewer) is open. See Selection Overview.

        The Selection group Expand Menu contains various other selection related tools:

        Expand Selection to all Windows tool - This tool will search out all Marks on open photographs that are currently selected and all objects selected in 3D Viewers, and Tables and then add their associated objects to the selection. Examples, Cylinder Mark selection expands to the same Cylinder in other photographs and in the 3D Viewer. Marked Point selection expands to all other photos, 3D Viewers and Point Tables that show this point. This is useful for relating object between different types of views. See Universal Selection and Sub-selection Highlighting for more detail and related features.

        Select All Marks/Objects in Active View tool - Select all items in the active window. If the active window is a Photograph Window, all points, lines, surfaces, surface drawings and cylinders will be selected. If the window is a Table then all Objects visible will be selected. This tool is only available when in Select Mode or Referencing Mode.

        Invert Selection tool - Selects the items that are currently NOT selected in an active window and deselects those that are. See Selection Overview.

        Select Unreferenced Items tool - See Sub-selection Highlighting. This tool is only available when a photo is active while in Select Mode or Referencing Mode.

        Select Points Shared on Open Photos tool - See Various Other Selection Tools. This tool is only available when a photo is active while in Select Mode or Referencing Mode.


Panes Group:

        Photo List – This tool shows (or activates) the Photo List Pane if it has been hidden or tabbed out of view. The pane will open in the position that it was last shown. This pane contains ‘chips’ or thumbnails representing the projects photos and is where you open photos from.

        Visibility on Photos - This tool shows the Visibility on Photos pane if it has been hidden or tabbed out of view.  The pane will open in the position that it was last shown. This pane has the controls to show or hide various items in photos.

        Imports and Coordinates – shows the Imports and Coordinate Systems Pane from which you can add or edit imported items in your project.

        Properties – toggles the visibility of the Properties Pane which displays various properties of selected items.

        Enhance Image – toggles the visibility of Enhance Image Pane which allows you to modify the display of photos, where the brightness, gamma and contrast of a photograph can be modified to bring out hard-to-see features.

        Measurements – shows the Measurements Pane which displays measurement information about selected items (see Measuring Features). The pane shows real-time measurement information for selected items. See also Processing Points-Based and Importing and Setting Up Coordinate Systems.

        The Pane group Expand Menu contains less often used tools:

        The Manage Layouts… too brings up the Manage Layouts Dialog, where you can set the default layout and add/remove alternate layouts.

3D Viewer Group

        Open a 3D View – This tool opens a 3D Viewer in the 3D View Windows Pane using the visibility and other settings that were in use when the last 3D Viewer was opened. The 3D Viewer options dialog does not open.  Note that you can open multiple 3D Viewer windows, each with different visibility settings.

        Open a 3D View Show Options – This tool opens a 3D Viewer in the 3D View Windows Pane. The 3D Viewer options dialog (see 3D Viewer Options Dialog) opens first where you can set visibility and other display settings for the 3D Viewer.  Note that you can open multiple 3D Viewer windows, each with different visibility settings.

Tables Group

        Edit tables… - opens a Edit Tables Dialog  where you can configure and/or open a table.  Tables will open in their Table Windows pane.

        Tables – shows a gallery list of table related tools to generate or open various tables (see Tables).

View Group

        Print/output (see Print and Output Options Dialog).

        The View group Expand Menu contains less often used tools.